Assignment Task 2

Personal statement 
Performing has always been a part of my daily life in one way or another, I have enjoyed the art of performing to an audience from a young age. It helped me build my confidence and also improving my acting skills, for example, using stanislavski's method helps channel my emotions in a way that would portrays my character accurately to the audience. This course also enhances other skills such as my confidence in speaking in front of an audience. I also want to develop my knowledge and understanding of this subject to a greater extent.
Since I do performing arts, other than acting ,i have been trained in dance and music ,I  learnt so much from the two courses .Music is one of my weaknesses but all the training that I’m getting is improving my ability to recognise my tempo, however Im still training on my voice but with dance , I’m not finding it difficult because I been doing dance for almost 3 years and I also training in college and after college .In level 2 I did a play called Flesh wound, Flesh wound is one of the plays that I found difficult because of the character situation but I had a great experience analysing my character and researching her background and also able to deep with my emotions. The last musical performance, we did Guys and dolls in level 3, I learned so much about the play and where it's based and also the accent, we had to learn but overall it was a memorable experience.
Apart from the theatre, in my spare time, I go to my old secondary and help out with the drama and dance students with their scenes and dance routine, I guide a lot of skills from helping the students with their piece for example I had to make sure that everyone was focused and most importantly that they understand and were happy with what they doing, this help with my communication and now I’m starting to engage with people more.
 I used to be part of school council which involve maintaining oversight of the school's operation and also monitoring, reviewing and updating policies . I make sure I collect people views and ensure that people that has problem are solved .This help me be more committed and responsible for managing people behaviour especially with bullying.
 Going Soho theatre and doing a workshops there, build my confidence and I learnt during the workshop that you should thinking about  what your character aiming for or what your character wants and I also learnt that you need to use your inner emotion to connect with your character situation  . When I have time to go the theatre, I tend to watch show's that are different and unique for example couple mouth ago , I went to go and watch Charlie and the chocolate factory and Some like it hip hop and some like it hop, both of these show were really inspiring and extraordinary,I find my self analysing different character and the way they react to each other
One of my favourite hobbies is dance. I’ve been dancing for three years, I used to be in a dance group called N.D.C and every year we used to go to Leeds and Stratford circus to perform for World Aids day which I found most enjoyable.
My aim is to be successful and work towards becoming a professional actor in either theatre or screen. Therefore, the most crucial skill I have develop is expressing my inner emotions and  . I have gained this from previous performances. I have more understanding and also gain more skills and experience.
I feel that I am a friendly person and who has a positive mindset and love discovering new things and meet new people and for the past few years, I have learnt to how to manage my time wisely and effectively. The amount of pressure and workload I placed on myself during my performing art course, required and help further develop the time management skills have been and continue to be crucial for achieving goals. I know university or drama school has a lot to offer and I am eager to become part of the working and social atmosphere. I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities and I sincerely hope you will consider my application.


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