Banksy - Anarchist Punk and Mother

Anarchist Punk and Mother
This image represent Mother who expecting her son , being a Punk and allowing him to go fight for what he wants , as you can see the picture shows store type because the image shows the mother being soft by getting  her son ready to start trouble and She is a typical soft, concerned motherly figure as you can see the writing says "Don't forget to eat you lunch and make some trouble" and there's also in the image there a lunch box , drink and an apple which shows that society is expecting him and that his award .
In my opinion i think Banksy want to show people that the picture expresses in artistic language the kind of acceptance a child should receive from a parent. ideal that a child should be accepted for what he or she is and not based on the way the child conforms to society. I think the flag (Anarchist) represents freedom , meaning that she/he wants to wear anything the want without people judging them and also war , meaning that they are fighting for what they want . 


  1. To me, it's as simple and as powerful as a parent supporting their child.


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