Character Profile - Murderer

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Three Murderers 
I've been a murder for the past few years and also work for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ,whenever they need something or they want me to kill someone, I never hesitant to kill because that what I was born to do, it's in my blood.I love to see fear in people's eyes, it makes me feel strong. I work with two murderers and those two people are the only people I trust and I can say they're my family, my real family was attacked, watching them get killed made me a changed person.
My average day I train to improve my fighting skills, I take training really serious but at night go to the bar and have some few drinks, there's always something going on at the bar, useless men fighting something not important, old man trying to make a bet. Their time's when think about having a family but then I realised the life that living is dangerous.
Me and the two murders were making our way to see Macbeth and I received a letter from Macbeth and he want us to meet him somewhere private.  Macbeth requests us to kill Banquo and his son Fleance and now were making our way where Banquo and his son is.  If I got caught killing Banquo and Fleance then I would have got hanged or executed or I would of stop working for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Getting myself ready to kill Banquo and his son and making sure that me and the two murders don't get caught. I don't have fear but my obsession is killing people and make people suffer, if I don't see the person in pain then I have to put them in more pain.
I don't have any relationship with others except for the two murderers but the relationship with Macbeth is different to the two murderers because I'm just doing the job that his asking me to do • I'm a healthy person who trains a lot and I am really productive.
I want to be normal but I can't because I'm used to the way I live, I can't see myself changing but my achievement is to kill more people to make more money.


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