Character profile - Messager

All my life I've been a messager , at the age of eighteen my dad pass away leaving me and my mum in this messed up the world, I had to take over my dad job which was a messager.
I didn't have a choice, it was either the money or live outside and I didn't want my mum to suffer, she already been through a lot.. watching my father being murdered for not paying his debt. Now I serve Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, I'm responsibility is to make sure that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth receives the message and if they don't receive the message then my life is at risk.  
A normal day I usually help my mum with a couple of things and sometimes I go to the bar and hang out with friends then in the evening I go and see Macbeth and Lady Macbeth give a message about the King.Before the play started, I find the out my mum was ill that's why I'm mostly with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to make more money.
The war is getting out of hand and if something happens to the King and Queen then I have to find another job, right now I'm selling a couple of things to make more money.
My fear is losing my mum, she the only person I have in my life, I barely know my family but my obsession is working, I can't stop working, I always remind myself " hanging around the bar won't get you money" and I am really health , I don't have any problems with my health.
I want to be free from all of this, I don't want to worry about money, food and clothes. Right now I'm working for Macbeth. I hope to become something other than a massager.


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