Rehearsals For Macbeth

In today's lesson ,we played a game called bunny numbers which involve in articulation, in my opinion the game was kinder hard because you had to say your number fast then say another number without mess it up , after the exercise Gavin gave us our cast and I am playing the number three  murder and Macbeth man servant . I am excited about the killing scene because of me , Taya and Khrystalle have a lot of ideas but we haven't thought of the actions yet .
Gavin put us into our groups and we had to discuss what we going do in the scene and the physical actions.
In our second period , we started doing the opening and the first scene , Gavin wants to make the play dark and little scary . For the opening were all in a group and witches ( Jasmine,Ebony, Monica and Debbie) were at the front and we had to do a little stomp and clap routine then gets ready to lift George ,who is Macbeth then putting him down carefully then we had to circle George while his staring at us then turn around and walk slowly while Jasmine , Ebony ,Monica and Debbie saying their line but in a dark way then all us to the last line which is "Fair is foul, and foul is fair : Hover through the fog and filthy air".
Our next scene is when Georgia say her first line and we all cheer because we finished battling  and we won then we getting into a big overall while Ross ( Georgia) and  Duncan have a conversation then the witches enters and the 3rd witch says "A drum , a drum ! Macbeth doth come"  and that's when we start doing the clap and stomp routine.
Then we got into a circle and we started creating sound and movement while the four witches, Macbeth and Banquo was in the middle. For the group that was doing the sound and movement was a little challenging because we wanted the scene to be different 
Next Rehearsal we added some bit to the first and second scene and also change some bits. Gavin taught us the routine , beginning of the play ( The battle) .


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