Scene Study - Macbeth

                                                              Scene Study - Macbeth 
Key events of the play:

  • Witches prophecy's
  • Prophecy become true Macbeth = Thane of Cowdor
  • Macbeth kills Duncan 
  • All hail Macbeth (King of Scotland)
  • Killing of Banquo (Fleance escapes)
  • Banquo appears Macbeth goes mad 
  • Goes back to witches, prophecy needing to be heard, Macduff is a threat 
  • Macbeth kills Macduff family 
  • Lady Macbeth kills herself 
  • Macduff kills Macbeth
  • Malcolm becomes king
Key event of each scene:
  • Scene 1: All about the witches, witches introduction 
  • Scene 2: Ross tells Duncan of Macbeth's victory in war and tells him how the other thane of Cowdor let Ducan down.
  • Scene 3: Witches prophecies the rise of Macbeth and Banquo are told of Macbeth future. 
  • Scene 4: Macbeth becomes infatuated with the idea of becoming king.
  • Scene 5: Lady Macbeth hearing of the prophecy, persuades Macbeth to make them come true.
  •  Scene 6: Ducan comes and talks to Lady Macbeth. 
  • Scene 7: Lady Macbeth persuaded Macbeth to kill Ducan to become King. 
  • Scene 8: Macbeth kills Ducan. 
  • Scene 9: Lady Macbeth hides the dagger to reframe from being accused. 
  • Scene 10: Ducan is dead and everyone knows.
  • Scene 11: Banquo becomes suspicious of Macbeth and Macbeth is crowned king 
  •  Scene 12: 
  • scene 13: Murders appears, Banquo deaded (Florence flees) 
  • Scene 14: Banquo scene, sees Banquo ghost, Macbeth goes mad 
  • Scene 15: Talking (Lords) about Macduff 
  • Scene 17: killing, Ross tells Macduff of what Macbeth has done to his wife and children. (Get revenge)
  • Scene 18: Lady Macbeth goes mad  and sees blood
  • Scene 20: Macbeth bring on the fight 
  • Scene  21: Going to war 
  • Scene 22: Lady Macbeth kills herself 
  • Scene 23: Macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm becomes king
Key characters and relationship: 
Macbeth & Lady Macbeth = Husband and Wife
Macbeth best friend Banquo, both get the prophecy together, Loyal
Ducan= King -Donalbain & Malcolm
Banquo & Fleance - Fleance is Banquo son who flees when Banquo gets killed
Macbeth & Witches -The witches give Macbeth their prophecies and the ones that lead Macbeth into a dark path and telling him what could happen and who he would be.
Macbeth & Ducan - Macbeth kills Ducan in order for the prophecy to reign true, he wants to ensure that he is king
Macbeth & Macduff - Macbeth kills Macduff family and servant and therefore Macduff brings war and Macduff kills Macbeth
Malcolm = Becomes king after Macbeth is killed
Ross- Macbeth = Ross is the nobleman of the king and is loyal to Macbeth until greed takes over.
Mood and atmosphere of each scene 
Some of the scenes are always dark


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