Rules of improvisation

Thursday 24th
Today lesson Yusuf teach us how to improvise , he explain to us what to do and how to do it. 
Yusuf showed us a book called The improvisation by John Abbott who used to be Yusuf drama teacher and gave us rules for the book which were:
Improvisation have to be four minute
you cant stop until the teacher so 
you cant talk to imaginary telephones or person because its the other actor from talking 
you cant explain or clarify anything to whoever might be watching just be truthful for explain if your telling a joke , you cant explain it , you have to do it 
mime props 
dont be an animals - pretending to be animal is bad because the actor wouldn't know what to do and it will be awkward for the actor 
dont get in to improvised, abusive argument - which mean dont do a fake argument because the partner wouldn't know what to say 
Dont block - always say yes , so the conversation can continue 
always use your own name -  dont make up names because you will forget it and say another name , using your name is easier 


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