Contemporary scenes- Nut

Tuesday 2nd May 2017
*First lesson : Read the script and Discussion 
*Second lesson: Read the script and sharing of interpretation of ideas

In today's rehearsal, we got into our groups and had to discuss what we learnt so far about the play and style of the theatre and why the writer wrote type of style then we went on to discuss the understanding of the play and what we think about characters relationship and mostly spoke more details about Elayne and how she remove herself from the society and just communicate with with the people she  close to her for example Aimee,Devon .We read through the script and had a discussion on each section of the script and gave each other our interpretation. So far i find the play engaging and unique , it's different from the other's play that Debbie Tucker wrote and  It's mainly base on mental illness and a women who wants to withdraw herself from the world. 

Thursday 4th May 2017 
* Character Analysis 
*Scene Analysis and Discussion 
*Unit of your scene and label 

On Thursday lesson we continue with the plan that we made on Tuesday which was character analysis,scene analysis and discussion and Unit of our scene and also label it.For our character analysis, we discuss each character and their relationship with each and their behaviour towards each other. After we finished Analysis the character, went on to discuss the scenes and how its link together and also started to unit our scene and labelling it that we think the conversation starts and ends.


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