Contemporary scene - Nut

Tuesday 9th May 2017 
*Create Eight tableau of your play 
*Create Eight tableau of your scene 
Implement : levels, Rhythm/Pace, Relationship dynamic 
*Select pace of music for the tableau 
Today lesson, Justin set each group a task , we had to create eight tableau for play and scene then we had to chose a song that is related to our tableau. Me and my group had a quick read through then gave each other ideas of what we should in our tableau.We made sure we had levels in each tableau and dynamic for example eye contact and distance between the characters.

 Eight Tableau for the Play 
First Tableau -The list
Second Tableau- Act 1 scene 2 : Door bell
Third Tableau : Trey singing
Fourth Tableau - Cigarette/Burn
Fifth Tableau - Clash
Sixth Tableau-Ex wife belittled
Seventh Tableau-Mind trick
Eighth Tableau- The big reveal

Eight Tableau for the Scene  
First Tableau - Pills
Second Tableau- Annoying each other
Third Tableau- ignoring trey
Fourth- Trey singing
Fifth- Cigarette
Eighth- Burn Skin


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