Voice Class - Researching

 Developing Voice for the Actor 
I been doing some research to find out how to warm up your vocal before the performance, these are a couple of  vocal exercises that I will be demonstrating, how to warm up your vocal  within  ten minutes. Gathering this information it will help the performer to improve their vocals.
Task 1
Here is the exercise that is good for your vocal and your diaphragm:
Tongue twist exercise
The benefits of the drill or the articulate exercise is to strengthen and  stretch your muscles which involve speech, it will help you speak clearly and  the audience will able to hear the message clearly. The drills are the speaker's warm up equivalent, it prepare you to speak with ease.
Tongue twist have been a part of the public speaker tool kit and they are really effective because it improve the way you speak.
Here example for tongue twister:
 You know New York,
You need New York,
You know you need unique New York.

The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue,
the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips.

Breathe deep exercise
Some  people have a habit of only using the top of their lungs. Doing this doesn't employ the diaphragm and  it also doesn't let you use your full power.If you feel a little tense while breathing, this will  resound  the muscles of your vocal folds. Breathe normally, but make sure you keep your shoulders low and your chest relaxed. Concentrate on breathing lower staying loose throughout your core. You can even  place your  hand on your stomach to remind yourself that's the part that should be moving up and down and not your chest and shoulders. 
-Benefits of this is to able to control the amount of air that you can expel and also help the way you breathe while your performing and also strength your diaphragm.
Lip Roll exercise
Lip roll is one of the warm up , that warm up your lips and strength your diaphragm before you perform and also stop you from blowing to much air through your vocal folds.
Lip roll takes unwanted pressure for your vocal folds and along with the force that you want to put into vocal folds when it's going higher.
With Lip roll exercise your able to go high and low with your vocals and It's also  important to realise that the lip rolls because if you don't then you wont make any sounds 
 While you doing the lip roll exercise, when you touch you jaw ,you can feel vibrating. 
Yawing exercise 
Yawning exercise is one the exercise you can use in the warm up because the airway and throat base completely releases and also help you release your diaphragm little. 
Benefit of this , it relax your jaw or your whole body and helps the diaphragm.  
Articulation is a formation of a speech sound by constriction of the air flow in the vocal organs at a particular place e.g. the tongue, teeth, or palate and in a particular way as a plosive, affricate and clarity in the production of successive notes and there also a mixture tongue twister. 
Benefit of this is that your able to speak clearly while your performing or singing , especially when your warm up because you perform , it makes a huge different with your vocals. 

Resonance as it’s sometimes called is a feeling of pressure or buzzing in either the chest, the neck or different areas in the skull. Resonance is vibrations that create tone through and within your mouth, throat,  For example you can use humming to get a sense of buzzing going through your body.
 Benefits of this is that the resonance sound indicates that the sound is focused and relaxed with full vibration. Through this exercise, you can have a much comfortable voice with full resonance.


Task 2
These are the vocal exercise that I'm gonna demonstrate in class

Breath deep
  • for the breathe deep exercise , you should lay down , take a deep breathe , count to five and let out a "S" Hold an "s" sound 
  • Or you can do a Ah sound , there so many sound you can do with exercise 
The reason why i chose this exercise because its exercise for relaxation and  focus on your diaphragm.

This warm up focuses on resonance and aims to achieve the feeling that the actors are speaking using their whole body, humming exercises are used to develop the voice's resonance.

  • humming with our chest 
  • then we gonna shake it down by bouncing our body ( this loosen you throat and body and allows the Flem to fall off 
  • Drop our head down ( focus on the forehead , the nose and mouth) - move the face muscles and change the pitch then bring your head up.  
The reason why i chose this exercise because it help a strong sound and makes you relax and focus. 

In this exercise im gonna focus on the face muscles by moving your lips around and you cant tight your neck while your doing it and i also gonna another exercise that involve sounds for example :
Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Bah
Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Baw
Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Boo
Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Bee
Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Ba Da Ga Bay

  • Another one i'm gonna do , is you put tongue on the side and make a yoya sound.
  • "car"release back on the mouth 
I chose this exercise because build up an performer ability to articulate clearly and it's a good exercise to work on your mouth area and your tongue. 


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