The Peacock's Complaint

Gavin put us into groups of five then we had to discuss what children we should do, before we discuss it, Gavin gave us a children website for the children story.
We read some of the children stories then had to choose which one we liked and which one would make the children pay attention.
 Me and my group decide to do a play called The Peacock's Complaint ,the reason why we choose this story because children can learn that "Do not envy the gifts of others. Make the most of your own" , which mean appreciate your gift and don't compare yourself to others and this is also the moral of the story. 
At first we struggled to think of an idea but then we started to write ideas on the paper . The idea that we got was that Jack  (peacock) , Ty  (owl) , Georgia  , i'm the (Eagle) and Taya is the narrator. We also got an idea that we should get the audience involved by Ty's character pretending that he lost his glasses and one of the audience has the glasses and give it to Ty's character.  
Overall i think the play its gonna go well there's gonna be so much energy and i think the children gonna enjoy it. 


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