Developing movement skills (Evaluation) Two and Throw -Inez

In the rehearsal there was so much energy and everyone made sure that there was really a lot of mistake and also help each other out , i think for the past few weeks i improved and i knew the dance and i had a little confidence performing it .
I think what really helped me is that we was slip into half then we had to perform it to each other then give each other feedbacks which help us improve more. 
However in the actual performance i made sure my movement was big and my arms and legs was stretched out. 
In the beginning on the performance i think the  the freeze frame was good because no one wasn't messing around , everyone was focused especially me and we knew when to come in. i think i did good with my gesture for example i made sure that my my back was straight and  also my arms, legs. i made my movement was realistic by showing showing facial expression , in my opinion I think the contact work was on point because class knew their places and also knew when to come in with dance and lift.
My strength was that i was able to do the lift and able to dance without being nervous for example performing without forgetting , the relationship with other performers was strong because all us knew the dance move and made sure before we perform we go through it. 
When I was performing I put in a lot of energy and I made sure I was still without touching anything and putting facial expression while performing.There was tension when my group was doing out dance. 
i think when i performed i had a little confidence and communicate with the mood for example every movement I did , I showed emotions and also facial expression.
What are your targets for future improvement in these areas?

  • I need to not be afraid of showing more of my movements 
  • Be more confidence 


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