Dance -Joan

In Joan lesson we was focusing on children play , she made us watch a dance clip that was based on children story  that was called The boy who cried wolf.
We all discuss the techniques that the dancers used and how they communicate with each other , then we was put into groups and had to make a dance up with children story and also add a song or a rap,at first it was hard because we had to our own version of The boy who cried.
Me and group decide that we should have a little boy eating his parents food without his parents knowing and his mum asking him what happen to the food and the boy keeps lying to his parents then one day , his parents catch him eating the food then he gets in trouble.
We added a little rap to make the story interesting and we also added a little dance, In my opinion i really i enjoyed the lesson and i learnt that when you're doing a children play  , you need to have a lot of energy  especially when you're dancing . 


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