Joyce Stevenson ( Character profile)

  My full name is  Joyce Stevenson and I don't allow people to give me nicknames.
 I'm a Female who like women, I'm 21 years old with hair is dark brown, my eyes are dark brown and I'm black, I sit up straight even when I'm walking  and I believe I'm good looking and a clean person, I hate dirt and I also wash twice a day. I think I'm a perfect weight and height.
  I was born in Congo and move to London when I was 15 years old, I class myself middle class because I'm provided for myself by working.I work in BT and I work 20 hours which is stressful but at the same calm because I work an office. I'm really organised  for example I plan my stuff day before I work and also all my  stuff is in order. I love my workplace because I have people to talk to and plus it's a calm environment.
I go university and I study business, I really like the subject and one day I get into the fashion industry and open my open shop because I'm into fashion, when I was in secondary I wasn't good at history and Spanish, however, i was good at English and dance.
I have a lot of brothers and sister, I have five brothers and fours sisters and all of them from the same parents.
In Congo me and my family I had to work hard to get, we mostly are on the streets selling water and bread to people but when all of us came together, we will tell each other stories and sing a lot of songs, me and my family never been on a holiday before.
Me and my family are really close, I always contact to see if they ok and i send them money, so they can buy food and clothes.
One thing I will change myself is to communicate with other people because I'm a quite person but I never change my body or who I am because God created me like this.
I'm an active person, I stay at home watching vampire diaries and sometimes I run to the corner shop to get Chinese or fruit bar if I'm going on holiday I go to the gym for like four weeks.My favorite sports are dance, basketball, and gymnastic, I'm looking to take it forward, I just like having and enjoying myself. 
My best feature is my eyes because I like the shape of it and even know I have dark brown eyes, when I  look at the lights my eyes goes light  brown. 
I don't have a favorite meal or food, I  like to try out different food but one thing I eat the most is sushi, at first, i didn't like it  but when I kept eating it, I start liking it. 
My favorite season is summer, I'm still not used to winter, I don't know how people go outside wearing skirts .. dress and sandal. 
One time I tried smoking and I thought I was going to die, I was on the floor trying to get my breath ...I told myself never smoke again, the cigarette is a devil, try to kill me. 
I listen to different music R&B, Rap, Gospel. I don't have a favourite artist, I just like listening to music. 
The series I've been watching is vampire diaries, empire, and chewing gum, those three are my favorites  
In the evening I like to stay at home  and just relax and make myself food and talk to my family, sometimes I go out and explore if I'm bothered.


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