Evaluation - Rehearsal

For the past few weeks in the rehearsal me and my partner focus on end of our scene because we felt that wasn't enough energy and also felt that we was kinder losing our characters.
However when we did our scenes over and  over again , we could see progress.
My strength was that i knew what my target was for explain my character wanted to find love on the dating service , so my aim was show the audience that my character wants to find love. My weakness was that i didn't put enough energy to the work and instead of doing something different to my character for example  in the scene my character sits the whole time , i should move around or even sit different position. 
Some of the techniques Yusuf and Gavin showed  really help me in my rehearsal  for example going tescos and analysing people , the way they walk and talk  and also hot sitting really helped  because it really made me think about my character and what's my character interest. 
Another technique that we did , we had close our eyes and think what our character looks like , how they walk and talk then we did be that character. 
Every rehearsal i gave myself a target for example i make sure i learn my lines or go over the start of the scene or the ending. 
In one rehearsal Gavin recorded us and gave s feedback on our scenes , we did watch each group tell them what good about their scene and what they need to improve. 
From the start to the end of the rehearsal , i think made a lot of progress because i made sure i learnt my lines and my attendance has improved .


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