
The day of the performance, we did a lot of voice warm ups before the actual performance. In the rehearsal  we had to say our lines loud as we can and also had to say it one by one to see if our voice is loud, when I said my lines, I felt that voice was loud for the audience at back to hear however when me and my partner performed in front of Gavin and Level 2, I was nervous  and I couldn't really lines which made it worst because I performed I didn't have confidence and I kept on getting my words mixed up and my voice wasn't loud enough , Gavin and Yusuf gave us feedbacks on our voices and told us that we were quiet and didn't have energy But when it came to the actual performance, Gavin and Yusuf did another warm up and made us lay down and focus our diaphragm, did a lot of humming and r sound. When we finished doing the warm ups. Yusuf gave us 30 minutes to go over our lines or relax , so I decide to sit in one place and just relax and go through my lines which really helped because I performed I wasn't nervous and I felt confident, I told myself to forget the audience and gave it my best. When I was saying my line I made sure that I was saying it loud but in my character. In my opinion, I think I did really good on my voice and also from the begin of course until now, I think my voice improved and I build more confidence.


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