Drama - Yusuf and Gavin Lesson

In Gavin and Yusuf lesson in our groups, we had to get our script say it without speaking but the movement. At first, I find it difficult but me and my partner doing it over and over again, I feel a difference.It made me think about my actions and I should do while my partner says her part.Another exercise we did, we had to lead our partner without telling them what to do and where they should go, find this exercise really interesting and useful because I realized that me and my partner was giving good communication and eye contact which help with our play.Last exercise we did played tag , when we was playing tag I can see how all of us react with the main player chase us and quick we react and also the eye contact we give the main player which mad me realised that in real life we do that for example when someone in a fight they give that person eye contact and watch their every move  .i learnt that you don't need use words while you're rehearsing, you can use movements and also can you lines without saying it out loud.


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