Song proposal

Song Proposal for The Performing Arts Variety Show - January

As a group, we decided that our group song should be relatively simple but effective. Going by the saying that 'less is more' we thought it would be appropriate to choose a song with a relatively simple melody line so we could build upon this as a base to make the song our own. For example we are discussing the incorporation of rap, harmony, dance and clapping rhythms into the piece. Our chosen song to work on will be 'Price Tag' by Jessie J and BOB. This is a pop song that was released in 2011. Although Libby was quite keen on doing a Musical Theatre song, we decided collectively that it would make more sense to perform a pop song, as we could personalise it in order for each member of the group to put their own style on it. 

From today's rehearsal with Ike, we started to get a rough outline of how the piece would be structured. An example of this follows:

  • Blackout on stage, Libby walks to centre and begins song singing acapella. (spotlight)
  • Once getting to the line "STOP", pause for three seconds and continue the line "for a minute and smile". At this point, the rest of the group will join in singing in harmony and the entire stage will be illuminated
  • Accompaniment will also come in at this point.
  • Second verse will be sung by Joanna, then Libby and Khrystalle will harmonise underneath the melody line
  • Chorus will have a melody, top and bottom harmony line. Johnson will sing the melody down the octave. 
  • The rap by BOB will be performed by Johnson, and we may use this as an opportunity to engage the audience
  • Final chorus potentially done acapella with only clapping and stomps as accompaniment
  • Finish with harmonised 'aaahs' 
We discussed whether we would use a backing track or live accompaniment, and believed it would be most appropriate to enlist the help of a pianist. We believe that a piano accompaniment will appear much more professional and will also help us if we make any mistakes on the night. For example, if due to nerves someone would accidentally speed up their solo, the accompanist could help match the tempo in order to prevent any stalls in performance. However with a backing track the tempo is rigid so any mistakes are instantly obvious. 

To make the performance more engaging to watch, we also discussed the possible inclusion of movement. Not necessarily dance moves but perhaps some synchronised swaying, stomps and arm movements to create a more exciting piece to watch. These movements would enable us to fully perform the song rather than just standing on the stage and singing plainly. 

We have not discussed costumes as of yet but this will be brought up in future rehearsals, possibly after we have finalised the arrangement and performance of the song. 

Overall the group is feeling positive about this assignment, and from the initial rehearsal today we believe that we are going to present an exciting, engaging and impressive piece. 


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