Constantin Stanislavski

Recently we been learning about Constantin Stanislavski 
Constantin Stanislavski
and how he got actors to use his techniques. Stanislavski started out as an actor then moved on to become a director.He saw that actors were doing a lot of bad acting for example when the perform, they do it dramatically and they weren't showing any emotions. He wanted the actors to work on the characters inside and create a true and real performance, for example, he made the actors think of the given circumstances by going in details with the character and ask them self-sample questions. 
Like :  
  • Where am I?
  • What is my specific location?
  • what year is it?
  • what relationship do I have?
  • what has happened before the play begins?
He also teaches them objectively and the super objective which
help them know what they're aiming for  and also, the magic if. Magic if is basically thinking about character situation and you ask yourself what would I do if I was the same situation. 
This when you use the emotional memory which helps you 
with the character that you're playing because you can think on 
 memory and act it out in your character.


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