Dance Evaluation

During the past few weeks me and my partner Krystal been trying to make up a dance piece based on Banksy .In the lesson Jeannie gave us some few ideas and a dance routines , so we can add it to our dance piece. At first found it kind of hard to think of idea that relates to Banksy picture but then we me and my partner put ideas together , we was able to make something up.  The last rehearsal we had to go through our dance then go to the recording studio , i was really nervous but at the same time i was excited because it was my first time  went to go and recorded their dance piece , we it came to me and my partner , we really nervous but exciting at the same time because this was our first time recorded our dance in the recording studio. Me and Krystal decided our dance should be different other group and since Banky wanted people to see that the mum accepting the son being a punk but we did the opposite. In my opinion i had a great creating dance piece with my partner and recording it , it was a good experience.


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