Oh the Humanity and other good intention -Character profile

I'm doing a play called Oh the humanity and other good intention . The play is  basically this man and that woman want to fall in love, but they’re not quite sure how , so they go to this dating service hoping that they find the right person  This play is written by Will Eno 

Character Profile 
Who am i ?
I'm playing - Gentleman
Status- Single but looking for love
Inner feelings / emotions - Nervous but exciting at the same
Personality- Weird, Respectful, funny , loving and caring

Where am i?
Situation - Finding hard to find the right one
Location- Dating service
Relationship to other - Anti-social

When is it ?
Time period - Twenty first century
Clothing and taste -Doesn't care what he wears , he likes any taste
Behaviour- Calm but sometime nervous

When do i want
Objectives- find the right person , who expect me
Super objective- Go on a date

How will i achieve my objective?
Other characters Situations- finding hard to be in a relationship


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