Murderer and Messager + Animals


Image result for murderers from macbeth

Image result for lion

In Macbeth the Murderers are aggressive and unknown, they remind of Lions, the reason why I compare them to those animals because they are aggressive especially when they willing to their prey but before they kill their prey, the lions make sure that they are not seen and they are really sneaky and calculating but sometimes it doesn't go their way, that's why I compared both of them because when the murderers killed Banquo, they were sneaky and alert however their plan didn't go well because they didn't kill Fleance. Another reason why compared them both because they never get distracted whenever it comes to killing and also train themselves. 
In Macbeth, I play the messager, in my opinion, I think the messager is alter and calm, whenever the receive a message or give a message and also self-control when they in a bad situation, the reason why I compared my character to a dog because some dogs are calm and controlled and also alert. Both my character and the animal make sure the stay out of trouble, they are not punished.When they get punished, they stay silent and calm and they also respect people. 
Image result for messenger macbeth

Image result for dog messenger


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