Character question - All's well that end well (Shakespeare)

My name is Helena, I don't have a nickname, people just call me Helena. I was once an orphan but I was adopted by the famous physician which is the Countess of Rousillon.I am twenty years old and every day I'm learning something new about myself like I'm in love with the Countess son ( Bertram) but I don't think he finds me attractive because I'm low birth and his a nobleman.
Recently I travel to Paris because find out that the King is ill and I used my father's arts to cures his illness and in return the King allowed me to choose any man to marry and I chose Bertram.
I'm married to Bertram but fortunately, I was sent home to Countess and I received a letter from Bertram and he said that I will never be his wife until I get his family ring and become pregnant with his child. I don't know how I feel right now, I have mix emotions, I just want him to except me and instead of making this marriage difficult.
I don't really communicate with people since the Countess look after me and she says that I need to be careful, who talk to. However, I talk to the servants whenever I'm my bedroom or kitchen. I hang around with a couple of people who make me feel comfortable and can have a good conversation.I'm not really an honest person, there are times I have to lie for example I still haven't told Countess about my feelings toward her son(Bertram).
I'm confident that Bertram will fall in love with me and I will have his children in the future, I just need to give him time and I'm also confident about future happiness because I'm married to the person that makes me happy.
My voice is soft and calm, I always wake early in the morning because it gives you energy for the rest of the day. I like to think that I'm health from mind to body and I don't find it health being angry at something or someone because it takes away your beauty.Two of my attractive features is my smile and eyes because people always compliment both those features however I have a big birthmark on my leg and sometimes It bothers me. I sometimes cry when things don't go my way, I don't hardly get angry because I'm a soft person and I'm a sensitive person, my biggest is losing someone close like Countess and Bertram, those two people are important to me. I'm worried that Bertram will end up falling in love with another woman and also worried that the Countess won't see me like a daughter anymore because the feeling I have toward her son.
I'm not really religious but working on connecting with God but what's stopping me is me lying and it's a habit. I'm starting to think that I'm a good liar. I have a lot of dark secrets and some of the secrets involve my husband (Bertram). I'm not an outspoken person when it comes to my beliefs because I know if I say something or do something bad people will judge me, that's why I keep my belief to myself. My favourite season is Autumn and Winter because amazing festival happens and the atmosphere give me peace.


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