Performance for Music

For the past few months, Tom gave us different songs to learn for our performance, we had to choose three songs that suited us and had to give a reason why we chose those and how it connects together. 
The songs that I choose was Sorry I asked by Liza Minnelli, I feel you Johanna by Sweeny Todd and I do anything by Oliver Twist. For my actual performance, I had to perform to an audience with three songs of choose and answer question Tom gave, In my opinion, I think my performance went alright but needs more improvement, for example, sing louder and add movement to the performance but overall I enjoyed singing all my songs. 
The reason why I put these songs in this order because the song Sorry I asked is someone questioning their ex and at the same time expressing their feeling towards their ex. The next song that I thought made sense with the first song was I feel you Johanna, the reason why I made it my second chose because the song is about trying to get the loved one back no matter what and the last song I do anything is about do anything for that person and giving someone you love anything. 

*Sorry I asked -Liza Minnelli 
* I feel you Johanna -Sweeny Todd 
*I do anything -Oliver Twist 

*Sight reading - King William 
For the sight reading, Tom gave us a sheet to read first then he told to perform it, I found sight reading challenging because I need to give the right notes and know which key. 

*Westside Story - Groups 
Before we got into our groups, we did a quick a warm up with our vocals then we did a quick practice with song then got into our and each group had to go and sing solo when it came to my group, I was playing Riff, when we started to singing I was doing well until close to the end, I wasn't on time with the piano but I continue singing the whole way through. 


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