Contemporary scene- Nut

Thursday 18th May 2017
Today's lesson, we had a discussion about themes, Archetype and Motif and how it relates to our scene, Justin gave us three paper's and each of it, we need to write down words that relate to our play and character's.
ThemeA theme can be an underlying topic of a discussion or a recurring idea in an artistic work. Anxiety about getting married is a big theme in romantic comedies.
MOTIF: a recurring subject, theme, idea, etc
Archetypes: Motif - Recurring theme or element of a story.
-Circle of life
-Death (Inevitable/tragedy)
-Relationships -Motherhood, Friendship, Siblings, Divorce
-Power of Silence

*Archetypes (A stock character)
-The innocent-Elayne
-The creator -Elayne
-The ruler-Elayne
-The regular
-Trickster- Aimee and Devon
-Manipulative - Aimee and Devon

*MOTIF (Something recurring - Topic)
-Death (Funeral talks)
-Suicide (Self-harm)
-Relationship (Motherhood/Fatherhood/Family)

The point of having an Archetype is because it helps to understand our character personality and what they're are to others, for example, my character Aimee, she a trickster because she pursues Elayne that there's no harm of burning yourself with a cigarette. Archetype gives you an understanding of the character's relationship to each other. Since I know my character Archetypes, this will continue to help me with the rest of the scene because I have an idea of my character and her intention toward Elayne.After having a discussion about Archetype, we go into a circle and each of us had to say a word that describes us and I said a giver, creator, lover etc.I learnt that Archetype makes us the people we are and also helps us understanding more of our scenes.

15th June 2017 
I understand that my character (Aimee) is one of  Elayne's close friend, she the type that wants to have a normal conversation but at the same time get under Elayne skin.Aimee is a talkative and a trickster but throughout the whole play, she has an influence on Elayne by showing her that burning yourself with a cigarette is a good thing.  My character voice represent Elayne throughout the play since Elayne has mental illness and doesn't go outside, she has moments of talking to people in her head which is Aimee, Devon and Trey.

We got into groups and start discussing the staging and props that we want for our character and the costume that suits our characters after we finishing discussing what we need, Justin gave us a task to get each unit and write down what the characters want, units need and feeling in the unit.

 Ideas for the Nut scene  
*Set -Sofa in the middle with a little table and one chair
*Music-Avril Lavigne -I'm with you (official instrumental)
*Lighting- The lights are dim ( Aimee and Devon are mostly in the shadow to show that they're in Elayne's head.
*Costume/Props- Normal clothes, Cigarette, ash tray,
*Ideas- Trey's voice is in the background to make seem like his there

* Each units example what the character wants, need and feeling
Unit one - Pills and Potions
Want:  Get on Elayne's nerves
Need: Get annoying
Feeling: enjoyment

Unit two - Life with broken bell 
Want: want to fix the bell
Need: bell battery
Feeling: annoyed

Unit Three - Food at mine
Want: want to have food at the funeral
Need: disagreement
Feeling: confidence

Unit Four- Trey singing 
Want: wants attention
Need: stop argument
Feeling: ignored

Unit five- Cigarette 
Want: want to smoke
Need: need to show the cigarette burn
Feeling: Annoyed


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