Rebecca and Inez Rehearsals- Guys and Dolls

The Crapshooter's Ballet

Week One
The first week of dance rehearsal , we got into big groups and we had to make a dance routine based on Guys and dolls and we had pretended that we were the crap shooter , when we finished creating our dance routine, both of the group came together and perform it to each and gave each other feedback's. I enjoyed the lesson But at the same time, it was little of a challenge because we couldn't do the same movement . 

Week Two 
Before Rebecca showed us the dance , we did a warm up, for example, we did a lot of travels and the opening that we created. Rebecca starts to demonstrate some dance routine , at first I find it difficult but when we kept on doing it ,we started to get used to it. This dance was really different the others dance we did, for example, the dance was quick and energised.

Week Three 
In the rehearsal , we went over the dance routine and some of the dance moves , we find it difficult to do, it was tiring because we did the dance routine none stop but at the same to I enjoyed it because this dance style is different and also challenging.

Week Four

In the last week of the rehearsal , we went over the parts that needed fixing for example in the middle of the dance , we struggling to do a dance move , so we had to over again until we got it and didn't look messy and we also went over sit down you're rocking the boat and luck be a lady to see if the the dance move was clear .Both of the dance needed fixing because we didn't stretch out arm , we wasn't on time with the music, we had to go over it every step with music but overall we improved and we put hard into it and if one of us was stuck , we doing it again.

Luck be a lady Dance and Sit down you're rocking the boat Dance

Here's the video of Sit down you're rocking the boat Rehearsal in the drama studio.
I think this dance was really successful because was on time with the music and we was focus in the actually the performance  .

Luck be a lady was success also because put energy and we was on time with music and made that made sure the was clear and our arm stretch out but overall i enjoyed doing this dance because it was challenging and interesting to do something different.  


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