Drama Rehearsals- Guys and Dolls

Gavin lesson we got into our groups and i was working on scene and always trying the accents while acting out characters. What i find hard was the accent because you had to make sure that you pronounce your words and say it loud and clear , however  what i enjoyed was exploring my character and researching the character.
Using our script made it hard to move on to the next scene because there's wasn't really that much of acting but reading the script

In Yusuf lesson We did the opening scene then we did each scene and he gave us feedbacks on what we need to improve  and told us that we need to research our character more because we didn't know what was going on in the scene , however the opening was coming together because of the energy we put in but we needed to make in clear our character .

P1 and P2 came together but then my group had to do the transition for our scene and also rehearsal to make sure that there's wasn't that much mistake . After we rehearsed , we went to the  theatre to show our piece , Chicago went first , When we watch it there's was energy into the dance but everyone need project their voice however the song was good.
When we showed our scenes there wasn't really that much energy however the songs went well but we need improving with the acting but overall each scene needs improving and we need to put energy and speak clearly.

For the last rehearsal we went over the dances to make sure that we knew it and there wasn't any mistake and also make sure everyone know what they doing , we also went over the song with dance.
In my opinion i think the scenes getting together especially the dance and singing.

For the past few weeks, we been going through our scene and practice our American accent.

Doing the accent while being the character is hard but when we kept on practising it over and over again, it started to get used to it.
Being Sky Masterson character is kinder hard because the guy is powerful in the crap game and a lot of people respect him , what made me realised to be his character , I need to have confidence and since I speak fast , I need to slow down.
The whole progress of the play is going well but there's needs to be more improvement for example all us need to learn our lines and research our character more , so we understand why our character who they are and what made them.
But overall i think the scene coming together especially the three dance routine , we putting a lot of energy into it and going over it , so we know what were doing.


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