The Healthy voice research task 2

                                How to maintain a healthy voice 

It's important that you do a voice warm up  by drinking plenty of water because moisture is good for your voice  and your throat wont go dry while your performing and also our vocal cords vibrate very fast, and having a proper water balance helps keep them lubricated. Try not to scream or yell before the day of performance because you end up losing your voice or your vocals will gone wrong and always warm up your voice before heavy use because if you don't then your voice wont go as loud as you want it to go and If your throat feels dry or tired, or your voice is getting hoarse, reduce your voice use.
Use good breath support ,listen to your voice for example always record yourself , so you know what you need to improve . Listen to your voice over and over so you know what's going well or ask someone to listen to your voice and ask for feedbacks , so you can do better in the future. Keep your throat and neck muscles relaxed even when singing high notes and low notes. Some singers tilt their heads up when singing high notes and down when singing low notes.

Warm up

1.Do lip or tongue trills in the morning to facilitate better use of airflow and breath.
2. Perform gentle humming and cooing to warm up your voice in the morning.
3. If you do more vocally complex warm-ups too, such as vocal scales, do the simple warm-ups first.
4. Repeat these exercises throughout the day to reduce muscular tension in the neck, shoulders and jaw.
5. At the end of the day, perform a cool-down of the voice with similar vocal tasks.


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