Evaluation - Macbeth Performance + All's well that end well Monologue

Macbeth Performance 
The day before the performance, we had a tech run and we went through couple of scenes that we thought needed to fix. The two scene needed to be clean was the Lady Macbeth monologue scene and the scene when Macbeth shows MacDuff into the king's chamber. When we finished doing our scenes, Gavin invited the first years from the drama department to come and watch our play and give us feedback, In the beginning of the play i felt energy but in the middle and the end of play i felt there was little bit of energy. When gave us our feedback ,they mostly said we need to be more louder and articulation more but they said there was good energy and also said we was supportive of each other.
We had a couple of hours before our performance, we through our scenes and did voice warm up and we had to shout our lines and make sure we was loud and clear. After the rehearsal ,we had a break then after our break it was a quick voice war up then we got into our play.
In our actual performance there was so much energy from the beginning to the end,in my opinion i think each of us did well especially me, i know put in energy and i make sure that i was loud and clear. We had high energy and impacted and ensembles movement was sharp and clear,we was more alert and we also didn't lose our intentions.The three scenes that i liked was the beginning scene, the king chamber and murdering scene.The reason why chose those three scene because each of the scenes i did well, i was more focus and the sound gave an atmosphere which help me get into my character. Overall the performance went really and i think the audience enjoyed each moment of the scene.

Mock audition 
Before I did my mock exam, Gavin did a little warm up like it was an actual drama school audition. First thing we did was we lay on the floor and we had to close our eyes and breath in and out from our mouth then we did couple of voice technique's while laying on the floor for example we breathed in for ten then we let out a r sound then we started to do a humming sound. These technique were helpful because it help me focus on my breathing and also made me feel relax and calm. Next warm up , we had to walk around and Gavin would tell us instructions and we had to follow it ,there's was a moment when we had to freeze,looking around and remember were we was standing , this exercise was also helpful because it made want to focus and image where you was standing ,I can use this exercise with my monologue because when i do my monologue,I can visualize my character situation she currently in. When the warm up was done , it was time for us to do our mock audition. Doing my Shakespeare was nerve-racking since it was my first performing it in front of Gavin , my monologue needs a lot of improve for example i didn't put in energy because i knew i messed up,my articulation needs improvement and i didn't feel like i was connecting with my character. For me to improve i need to practice more and work on my articulation and also perform my monologue in a different way. 


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