Justin Lesson

20th Sept 
First Lesson we were learning some vocabulary to have more understanding of Shakespeare language and able to pronounce some of the words from the script.
which was :
Epilogue - A piece at the play often concluding the play
Verse -Shakespeare writes in verse. Verse is often found in poetry
Caesura- Pause (it's a natural pause) 
Pros- Everyday writing a natural flow of speech. Newspapers/Magazines /novels
Lambic Pentameter -The verse in which Shakespeare writes his plays. 10 syllables which of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
Iambic Pentameter had to have 10 syllables
Remark has 2 syllables
Two households both alike in dignity
x- unstressed
/ - stressed
5 stressed / 5 unstressed
This keeps the rhythm for the actors to remember and helps to convey delivery and meaning.
Deconstructing the verse it allows you to -
-interpret - character/scene

Second lesson we did a little exercise  and did some breath warm up then we did a stretch exercise then he made  us lay on the floor and close our eyes and move put of our bodies . After the warm ups , he gave us a prologue and epilogue from Romeo and Juliet and we read it all together in the circle and each of us had to explain what each line mean then he gave us one line each , we had to learnt it by our self for ten minutes then go back into the circle and say each line out loud but we had to go with beat that Justin made , for me i had it little difficult but when i kept on saying it , i started to get used to it.


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