Progress-Children theatre

My group had the decision what fable we should  do and we decided to do The Peacock's Complaint because we thought that the story was interesting the way the peacock didn't like his voice and how he thought it was ugly and also  how he wanted to have his friends talent. 
Our fable is suitable for primary school audience because they can learn a lot from our play and hopefully the audience  understand the messange and also take the message.  
The moral of story relates to the primary school audience because the story talks about how you should appreciate your talent and do not envy the gifts of other . The couple of rehearsals we had , we didn't really use that much space and we kept on staying in the same place . In the actual performance, we made sure that when we perform we spread out and use much space as we can. Our current ideas were really suitable because made sure the play was appropriate for the audience and made sure we put a lot of energy .  


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