Evaluation / Final Evaluation- Children theatre

For the past few weeks, we been working our children play , explore different techniques for playing children game and acting out one of the children stories and also try put ideas together .
Both of the groups came together and we were watching each others play and giving each other feeds back which was really helpful because we were able to change some bits and improve it. 
The actual day of the performance  we went to Barclays primary school to perform our piece that we create ,we prepared ourselves by going over our piece.
When we got there , we starting getting ready for example  putting on makeup , going through our plays . 
Me and my group didn't really have a lot of props, however, each of us had on one or two props for our character, for example, my character (eagle) had boxing gloves because love boxing and plus she love to exercise . 
We didn't really set up our piece because we was mostly standing and there was a lot of movements our piece. 
While we were performing , I can see the audience enjoying the performance and getting involved and also ask question and answering which was a good thing because I see that they are learning about what they should and shouldn't do .
The difference between last performance and this performance that are way  different  because the last performance was serious and connecting with your character and trying to make your character situation real but this performance was a challenge because you had to have mind of a child for you to create a story and you have to have a lot of energy because you don't have energy to the actual performance then the audience won't be interested or get involved. 
My strength that I was able to get the audience involved, however, my weakness is that I didn't  really talk loud enough. 
What went well is that my group knew when to come in when is there turn and also gave  energy while performing but what we could made it better is that at the ending we could add a little song and dance to it but likely we added a with Georgia character because the audience started singing the song.
Overall I think doing this was really challenge but I also learnt a lot, for example, I learnt that you I have to say a certain things to young audience and you most a lot of energy and also before you start creating a piece ,you need to research some children stories so you can get ideas and be inspired to try different things.

Our strength is when we were performing and we were able to get the audience to join  in, for example, we were able to get them to sing that we made up. Another strength we had was that put a lot of energy to the performance  and  made sure our voice was projected. 
Our weakness was that we could have added more things, for example, we could have added dance to the play  and also a song for the ending but since we didn't have enough time , we decided to stick to one song. Overall we enjoy performing and showing our piece we made up. 


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