
For the past few weeks, we had to get into groups and we were given an image and we had to make up a play in five minutes. 
Me and my group we were given an image of two little boys imagining that they in paradise beach but, in reality, the world is messed up. Me and my group decided to do our play based on world war.
Yesterday Lesson we were going through our play and Gavin was giving us advice, the advice he gave us was 
The first scene we had to go, Ty, is slow motion and take a deep breath then go to our freeze frame and he also told us to add another when we introduce ourselves one by one. I think that the scene has improved but it needs more work.
I believe that I always put energy to my performance and my voice always loud and clear
 My attendance is good but sometimes I come late but I still get the work done.
My ensemble is also improving because I'm starting to give eye contact and focus more.
when I performed to the class I give eye contact and try make them feel connected.
Overall I think that the play going well, in Yusuf lesson he gave told us to change the first bit a little because it wasn't working out and also told us to add some more stuff example like dance or singing. I think in the future me and the group will know what were doing and characters will improve.


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